Kids Need to Read
E3 + The New E3 School raise awareness, advocate + create innovative initiatives to give all children access to a high-quality education for the first eight years.

Over 40%
of our children CANNOT
READ by 3rd grade.
In fact, 1 in 6 are not meeting literacy benchmarks. The first eight years matter and build a strong foundation for learning.
The Problem
Too many of our children are struggling when they enter kindergarten and cannot read by third grade. When our children don’t have a strong foundation in reading, math + writing they will struggle in K-12, higher education + the workforce.
The Research
The first eight years matter + build a strong foundation for learning. When children cannot read, they cannot learn. Third grade is a critical benchmark. By third grade if a child is not reading on grade level, they are 4x MORE likely to drop out of school.
The Solution
EVERY child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow + thrive. Early literacy matters for all children. Together, WE can make sure every child is ready to read + learn by third grade.
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